Monday, April 30, 2012

The new Ubislate 7 Plus is finally here..........

The newly launched Ubislate 7 Plus (or Ubislate 7+) is a 7-inch resistive touch screen tablet running on Android OS . It is an upgrade of the Ubislate (or Aakash) tablet that came out in 2011. It is a product by DataWind Ltd. and is currently available for booking online only. With the access to the Android market you get the option to download and install various applications on your tablet . There are thousands of apps available in the Android market both as free and paid. The best thing about this upgraded Ubislate is that the price has not been increased so you get the advanced version at the same cost.

ubislate 7 plus

The specifications for the new version are:

1. Display : 7-inch resistive touchscreen , High resolution
2. OS : Android OS (Gingerbread)
3. Processor : 800 Mhz
4. Memory : 256MB RAM
5. Storage : up to 32GB , 2GB Flash
6. 2 x USB v2.0
7. 3.5mm standard headphone jack
9. WiFi LAN
10. Battery size : 3200 mAh

The new Ubislate 7+ Price in India is priced at 2,999 Rupees.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clean your Windows Registry to pump up your PC

As the Windows registry increases in size, your OS's performance may be reduced. Third-party registry cleaners may not effectively clean all registries. They perform cleaning tasks based upon a predefined set of rules that may not work in your registry, or even a healthy registry, let alone a bloated or corrupted registry.
However, you can clean your registry manually through the steps below:

Launch the Windows registry editor::
1. Click on the "Start" button, then select "Run...".
2. Type "regedit" inside of the text box.
3. Press "Enter" or click on "Ok".

Backup your existing registry before making changes so that there is no risk. 
1. Click on the "File" menu and select "Export".
2. Select "All" in the "Export range" panel.
3. Choose a location for the backup and then enter a name.
4. Click on "Save".

Browse to remove old applications. Remove any application listings which have already been uninstalled.

1. Expand the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" key (looks like a folder) by clicking on the plus (+) sign next to it.
2. Expand the "Software" key.
3. Look for keys that contain either the application's name, or more commonly, the application's developer (company name).
4. Highlight a key for the application.
5. Press "Del" to delete it.

You can search applications by their name, executable name, and/or folder name. Remove any application listings which have already been uninstalled.

1. Press "Ctrl" and "f" to open a find dialog.

2. Enter the text used to search for the application's listings.
3. Click on "Ok" to search. The key or value should be highlighted when found.
4. With the proper key or value highlighted, press "Del" to delete it.
5. Press "F3" to find the next result and repeat.

Remove any unwanted start-up items.  To delete these:

1. Expand keys (as done previously) to get to the following location:  My Computer\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ Current Version.
2. Highlight the "Run" key.
3. Look for values inside of the left pane. These will be shortcuts to executable files.
4. Highlight a value to remove. If you're not familiar with these, or are unable to guess which ones correlate to which applications, Google for it or use a process search engine such as Process Library
5. Press "Del" to delete it. To select multiple entires to delete, hold down "Shift" or "Ctrl" while clicking.
6. Repeat this process for the same key path inside of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER location as well. If an application installs for "all users", it will put these startup items inside of the the local machine folder. For current user or single user software installs, they will be put into the current user folder.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to create a bootable Windows 7 USB flash drive

Now-a-days, USP flash drive has taken the place of any other storage device like Cd, DVD etc. and one thing that many people have asked me is "How to create a bootable Windows 7 USB flash drive?" Well below is the solution:

Use the Windows 7 USB DVD download tool and then install it. You can get this from the online Microsoft store. 


Once you have it installed, open the program and you would get an window like the one below. It only accepts .iso format so you would need to create one from a DVD.


Next, you need to select the USB device.


Then select the USB device, in case it does not display it hit refresh. Once you do that, hit "Begin Copying".


The copying of the file may take a few minutes [10-15 minutes] so please let it finish.


Once it is completed, it will display the message below:


After this, you can close the program and use the USB drive to install Windows 7 as required. You' would just need to choose to boot off the USB drive in order to do so. Before doing that, you can open up the USB drive and double click on setup.exe to see if it works fine. Once it is verified. You are good to go.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The thing that caused me a lot of trouble was setting up analytics for my blog, so check this out.....

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