Thursday, May 3, 2012

How to Test for a Fake Flash Memory device..............

Flash memory/drive these days is essential for mobile data storage. With the price competitiveness of this market and their applications in a wide range of mobile storage consumer electronics, many sellers resort to faked memory capacities to earn extra profit. From the China manufacturing segment alone, a big percentage of exported flash memory products (USB drives and memory cards) have capacities that are set higher than the actual available storage in the flash memory. This causes many problems with the storage of data and can and will lead to data loss. Regardless of where the flash memory drive/device was purchased from, it is essential to test the flash memory. The last thing anyone wants to lose their important data because of a flash memory failure.

The most widely used testing program for Nand flash is the H2testw.exe burn in program, A quick Google search will give you many results from trustworthy sources regarding the H2 burn in program, so please rest assured that H2 is the real deal freeware for flash memory testing.

In order to test the memory, perform the following steps:

1) Insert the flash memory device that will be tested and open the H2 program.
2) Once the device has been recognized, in the H2 program interface using the Select Target button, choose the corresponding drive letter.
3) Once selected, leave Data volume: all available space selected and endless verify unselected. Basically leave “as is”.
4) Click the Write + Verify button to begin the testing.
5) H2 will burn-in the full capacity of data into the flash memory device, and then verify the burned-in data.
If there are errors, chances are the flash is faulty or has been upgraded to a fake capacity. If the device passes H2, then congratulations, the flash memory is of good quality and should provide years of trouble free service less any unpredictable hardware/component failures.

In all cases that the H2 program finds errors in the flash memory device, the data storage of the device can be declared unreliable and you must proceed with extreme caution if continuing to use said flash memory device.

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